UCN - Ultimate Custom Night is a terrifying night of extreme survival challenges, vivid nightmares in a world full of deadly dangers.
Are you ready to face the ultimate nightmare in UCN - Ultimate Custom Night? This is a survival horror game where you will be trapped in an office and have to battle with 50 terrifying animatronic characters from seven games in the Five Nights at Freddy's series. Not only do you have to survive the night, you can also customize the difficulty from 0 to 20 for each character, creating your own terrifying challenges. Managing the door system, air ducts, air conditioning, laser traps, collecting Faz-Coins and using them to buy support items, all are the keys to help you stand firm against the relentless attacks of terrifying killing machines. Be prepared, because every moment in UCN is a tense battle for survival. Do you have the courage to overcome your fear and become a winner? Play now to test your courage!
Besides, on our website there are many other survival games. You can refer to some other games like The Return to Freddy's 3 that also have a similar way to play this game. Let's drop by and try it now!