Escape Mystery Room

Escape Mystery Room

Escape Mystery Room

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Escape Mystery Room is a gripping horror game where the player must escape a house like alcatraz and go on an outside mission stealthily.

You awaken in a locked room while playing Escape Mystery Room. However, you have an unachievable outside task. You must first figure out a means to leave this location and carry out the job covertly outside to avoid being captured by the robots.

One thing to keep in mind while playing Escape Mystery Room is that you don't even have anything, much alone a motorcycle! You cannot be foolish or ignorant at such an important time. The problems you encounter in each chamber need creative problem-solving in order to be overcome. In this game, your JUEGOS assumes the job of a detective; you may go by the names Ganes or Ros. This game has a lot of challenging, intricate, and sometimes horrible puzzles that call for intelligence and alertness. Are you prepared to meet the challenge head-on? Now let's play!

Besides, there are many other horror games on our website. You can refer more and try some other games like Poppy Survive Time: Hugie Wugie with same gameplay.

How To Play

  • Choosing "Play Game" will start the game.
  • To play, use your mouse.